planetluc.com : NEWS
Release of MyGallery 1.5 27. Januar 2006
ivugrinec2, member of the planetluc.com boards, gave some excellent inputs concerning alternative handling of zip files. So version 1.5 will be able to extract zip archives on most PHP builds. read message
Release of MyNews 1.6 18. Januar 2006
Due to some requests I decided to implement the FCKeditor which is a very sophisticated WYSIWYG editor with lots of great features like file/image upload. Thanks to this editor youll be able to create even richer news messages on your site. read message
MyNews 1.5 is out! 14. November 2005
MyNews 1.5 lets you schedule the news items. Also you can choose whether to display news with a date in the future or not. The second new feature is that every news item has its teaser and its full story. In overview mode only the teasers are displayed with a link to the full story. By clicking on the fullstory link you get the whole article (with a backlink to the overview of course) read message
MyGallery 1.4 is out! 10. November 2005
In MyGallery 1.4 pictures are no longer renamed (except very bad charcters like é, à, ñ...). So it is possible to determine the order of the pictures in a gallery by naming the .jpg files appropriately before uploading or afterwards in the edit mode. read message
MyNews 1.3 is out! 9. November 2005
Because I was dealing with RSS feeds anyway these days, I decided to add RSS functionality to the MyNews script as well. read message
New Script: ContactForm 25. Oktober 2005
These days I was asked several times whether I have ready-to-go contact form script (and also, I needed one myself ;-)) so I quickly did one. read message
On Vacation 20. September 2005
planetluc.com is on vacation from 23. Sept - 10. Oct. 2005. Please understand that I cannot provide any support during this time. I will take care of support requests as soon as im back from my holidays. read message
Paging for SignMe & MyNews 10. August 2005
I added a real paging function to the two scripts SignMe 1.2 & myNews 1.2. The paging now shows a row with all available pages not just a previous- and a next-button as before. read message |